Talking about and teaching hitting are two of Billy Horton’s passions and in the videos below he shares nearly 30 different drills with you. The sound of a ball hitting a bat on the sweet spot is a beautiful thing. Check out our YouTube Hitting Playlist below and hopefully after you watch these videos and share these drills with your players, you will hear a lot more of that on the field.
Angle Toss- Hard In/Soft Away Drill
The Nine Zones in Hitting
Batting Tee Rhythm Drill
Batting Tee- Step Forward Extension Drill
Batting Tee Lunge Drill
Balance Board Drill
Batting Tee- Fungo Bat Drill
Batting Tee- Back Side into Front Side Drill
Double Batting Tee- Full Swing Extension Drill
Double Batting Tee- Inside and Outside Pitches Drill
Blending Drill with Batting Tee and Front Toss
Front Toss Hitting Drill